The Business Management Department at Broadminster University (MAN01) is one of the leading providers of management and professional business education. The achievements and continuing success of our graduates in their careers is a true mark of the high quality and recognition given to the postgraduate and undergraduate programmes delivered at the School. Our strong links with industry ensure that course content is both practical and relevant. Our students can be confident about gaining a qualification which will truly enhance their career.

Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
BA Business and Management (Year 1) BUSMAN Course
BA Management with Marketing (Year 1) MANMAR Course
BA/FdA Events Management 342 Course
Bsc Accounting, Management and Information Systems ACCMIS Course
Bsc Business Studies and Economics BUSECO Course
Bsc Information Technology Management for Business ITMBUS Course
Business Decision Making MAN1001 Module
Business Finance and Marketing BUSFIN01 Module
Decision Making in Business BDM02 Module
Foundation Business BUS101 Module
Foundation Economics ECO101 Module
International Business BUSMAN102 Module
MSc Product Innovation Management PIM001 Module

Lists linked to Business Management

Title Sort by title Block Last updated Sort by last updated
V2 List edit of Tourism management test name 2019/20 Ended 31/07/2020 02/10/2019 15:17:24
Tourism management 2020/21 Ended 31/07/2021 05/03/2019 11:33:30
Tourism management 2020/21 Ended 31/07/2021 23/03/2020 16:10:51
Tourism management 2022/23 Ended 31/07/2023 29/03/2022 14:40:05
Tourism management 2021/22 Ended 31/07/2022 12/07/2022 13:47:14
Tourism management 2023/24 Ended 31/08/2024 22/09/2023 09:25:44
Tourism management for Copyright Clearance 2020/21 Ended 31/07/2021 28/06/2021 09:34:50