Browse Hierarchy BUSMAN: BA Business and Management (Year 1)
This first year course will equip students with a firm understanding of the core concepts of business management.
Browse Course
Name Sort by name | Code Sort by code | Type Sort by type |
Biology Foundation | BIO01 | Module |
Business Forecasting | BUSFOR | Module |
Business Policy | BUSPOL | Module |
Business to Business Marketing | B2BMAR1 | Module |
Financial Management | FUN105 | Module |
Financial Management | FINMAN | Module |
International Business | INTBUS | Module |
Macroeconomics | MACECON | Module |
Management Foundation | FUN100 | Module |
Management Foundation | FUN1 | Module |
Management Foundation 2 | FUN101 | Module |
Operations & Management& | OPMAN | Module |
Pensum/læringskrav | PECOS4021 | Module |
Theory and Practice of Management | TPMAN | Module |
Lists linked to BA Business and Management (Year 1)
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